Final few things......
So it has been a CRAZY couple of weeks. I sliced my finger last night to the point where there is a bubble in it. It's bad but it could have been worse and I am so thankful that it wasn't!!!! But anyways we're all still here and its almost over. We can sit back relax and wait on the results. I personally am going to celebrate my 21st birthday like its supposed to be celebrated, since I didnt get much of a chance to celebrate last Saturday!!!
Special shout out to Jason Dooley for introducing the "t-shirt trick"! lol! I had to use that a few times, and it took a bit of elbow grease but it worked successfully!
Well anyways Good luck to everyone!!
Here are a few updated layouts and projects that I haven't posted yet.

I added a little color to these....I say they look better. u?

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